Full Functional Bionic Arm
8 Mar, 2023

The bionic arm is being developed as a STEMc project in collaboration with the IUB School of Engineering, Fab Lab and Mechamind.
Asif Karim Alif is a student of IUB, majoring in CSE, who was born without hands and legs. A joint team at Fablab and Mechamind has designed a 3D printed EMG signal based bionic arm. This gesture controller uses EMG sensors to measure electrical impulses from muscles in response to a nerve’s stimulation and a microprocessor to recognize gestures and hand positions through a neural network-based AI model . The challenges include signal capturing and processing accuracy, register and design. With the design and simulation complete, this project is now developing the hardware and software programming after which they can fully assemble the arm and move on to human trials to check for safety and security.
Alif has been working with the team on sensor communication and the AI aspect alongside brainstorming. He will also be helping in the overall assembly of the arm. The project is funded by Mechamind and School of Engineering. Contributors in this project include Dr. Mahady Hasan, Mr. Salman Promon, Fahin Uddin, Shoaib Mirza and Asif Karim Alif himself.